Mesothelioma Disease Detector
I recently found another disease detection dataset on the UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository and decided to have a go at this one. However this dataset is not used that often for disease detection as I have never heard of it before and never even came across it before discovering it while reading a research paper. I'd like to shed some light on this dataset and present the Mesothelioma Disease Detector Web App. This web app detects if you have Mesothelioma or not depending upon various parameters such as Platelet Count, Blood Lactic Dehydrogenise, Alkaline Phosphatise, Total Protein, Albumin, Glucose, Pleural Lactic Dehydrogenise, Pleural Protein, Pleural Albumin, Pleural Glucose and C-reactive Protein. I'll explain more about these parameters later on in the article. This web app works on the Random Forest Classifier algorithm and is majorly coded in python. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer t hat occurs in the t...